14 Ways to Leverage Office 365 Collaboration Tools

Office 365 is the world’s most advanced collaboration platform. You wouldn't be alone if you feel like keeping up with these productivity-boosting features can feel like a full time job. Your business is probably working toward adopting a digital workspace strategy to enhance collaboration between you and your co-workers. You demand simplicity as well as the ability to collaborate without having to have a deep technical expertise.

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Office 365 Governance: Establish Your Team

Now that the technologies in Office 365 are gaining a foothold and really working for people and the path forward is getting clearer, it's time to do a deep dive into what a solid governance team and plan should look like for Office 365. Over the next few blogs I will dig into key pieces of a governance plan. 

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Turbocharge Your Business Productivity

If you’re like most small business owners I know, there’s a good chance your top resolution this year is to be more productive. After all, the average entrepreneur needs more than 24 hours a day to get everything done. I recently got a demo of the newly released Office 2016 and learned about the many new features and programs designed to help users get more accomplished with less time and effort.

Ready for a productivity upgrade? Here are five ways to get started:

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4 Game-Changing Collaboration Tools Your Team Needs Now

Collaboration can make any business better. Recently I saw a jarring statistic that out of 140,000 corporate executives surveyed, 86% believe a lack of collaboration was responsible for workplace failures
Beyond just performance, collaboration fosters teamwork and enhances employee morale.
Here are seven technologies that we employ at Betach to drive business collaboration.

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How Collaborative Technology Transforms Business

You don't have to be an IT guru to know that the tools you use to collaborate change every day. Keeping up with that technology is another story. Office 365 makes it easy to keep your networks and teams connected with simplified infrastructure and advanced communication tools. But best of all, it's constantly upgrading to incorporate the latest technology, so you can focus on achieving more. Check out this blog to learn more about how you can improve your collaboration.

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