Betach Dynamics 365 Express™ Offers

Take actions that drive your business

Start your digital transformation journey today and discover what’s possible for your business tomorrow.


We can relate…

The idea of implementing a new technology solution itself can be intimidating and is an undertaking many businesses would simply rather avoid. But with Betach’s Microsoft Dynamics 365 Express™ offers, we can help you find the right solution for your business—get you up and running, and working efficiently.

What is an Expressimplementation?

Express™ offers are prepackaged Dynamics 365 implementations designed to get your business up and running on Dynamics 365 quickly. Our experience with business solutions gives us the tools to rapidly deploy out-of-the-box solutions for sales, marketing, finance, and customer service teams. All of Betach’s Express™ packages include Dynamics 365 licensing and user setup, as well as a focused set of configurations to get your team up and running with Dynamics 365.

Hit the ground running with Express™

Choose your perfect fit.


Sales express

Track leads, optimize sales activities, and close deals faster. Betach’s Sales Express is everything you need to optimize your sales team.



Make optimal use of all your data for your marketing activities and adapt your automated and interactive campaigns to individual customer needs.



Manage financials, sales, and operations in one single solution. Choose what you need for your business today, and scale on your own terms.



Deliver effortless experiences that leave your customers thinking not about the process but how easy their journey was.


Have more questions? Get in touch with us today!